Start with BitSilver To use BitSilverTokens Install the WONPAY wallet. WONPAY is a secure and easy wallet built on the MicroBitcoin platform. Exchange BitSilver token 1BTS : Physical Silver 1g Base price for exchange The base price of 1 BitSilver token (BTS) changes from time to time based on fluctuations in the silver price and exchange rates. The reference price is the price of 1 gram of silver at the time of the transaction, round the number up after decimal point. (For South Korea) The exchange rate between the US dollar and the Korean won is based on the USDT price on the Bithumb exchange. The price does not include VAT (10%), which will be reflected when you exchange for physical silver. Silver 1 oz 30 g 1 US Dollar 10 Won Current price of silver 0 $ Deposit accounts 여기에 제목 텍스트 추가 여기에 제목 텍스트 추가 입금 주소테더 주소은행 계좌 번호00bts 구입을 위해 입금하실 금액은 000원 (000USDT) 입니다.입금 확인 후 귀하의 지갑주소로 해당 BTS를 송금하도록 하겠습니다.송금 내역은 ‘look up’ 메뉴에서 지갑주소로 검색하여 확인할 수 있습니다.